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At least we're honest. |
We are a diverse nation, no doubt about it. That was the whole idea way back in the when. People from everywhere could come here and be themselves as long as they all live under a general law. It was a radical idea at the time, but it seemed the right thing to do. It was, don't get me wrong. But is our diversity killing us today? I'm not racist, I'm not prejudice, and I accept all peoples regardless of race, color, creed, or sexual orientation. The only people I have a problem with are stupid people, and those folks could be anybody. But have we gotten too diverse? Way back in the caveman days people had to rely on each other to survive. If it affected one person, it affected all people. They stood together for everything. Skip through time a little bit to the medieval ages. If someone was accused of being a witch, the whole town would stand together to watch them burn. Go ahead in time a little more to the 1940's. America was blossoming and becoming a serious country. It took World War 2 before people would completely unite for something. Skip to the 60's and the Vietnam war. America was in Vietnam and all of a sudden this country isn't so resolute about whats going on. Today, a fucking war cant even get people to agree or stand together. You have groups of people ranging from the "Support our troops" types to the "Let em' die" folks. We can't even agree to disagree.
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Anybody can come into our country and find a little piece of home somewhere. That's the good part about coming here. There is a little bit of everything. But what happens when that everything starts to get in the way of progress? A long time ago, people where concerned with the good of the country, and when there was a rule or law that was put into place, people generally accepted it. Now people are only concerned with the good of themselves, and fight just about everything that inconveniences them in any sort of way. There is no one thing that will satisfy everyone anymore, and the government is in a tricky situation of figuring out which people have to go unsatisfied. That is of course if they could figure out how to satisfy themselves first. As many of you know, the government almost shut down not too long ago. That's because all parties involved couldn't agree to take a loss and accept what is good for the country. Now that statement will get many of you riled up, depending on what side you're on. You will scream that the republicans are too selfish, or that the democrats are too stupid. This is what I'm talking about. Shouldn't we put aside our differences and figure out what will be best for our children and their children? Who cares as long as we can keep our country alive? I work in the news, and every day I look at stories that are full of people pointing fingers and blaming others for things that don't really matter. It all seems like they care more about how long they stay in office or in front of the cameras and not at all for whats good for America. It makes me sick. I've long thought that the President is really just a figurehead for us to blame all of our problems on. To me it seems that it's really big business that runs things. No I'm not about to run naked through the streets screaming about conspiracies.
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It's honestly out of fashion (pun intended) |
Before we continue, I want to remind you all again that I know that this is the greatest country on the whole miserable planet. I know that I have all the privileges of a king in other countries. I know beyond a doubt that this country is the place to be, and I'm happy to be here. But at some point we do have to take a step back and look at this debacle that is eventually going to make our country stall. No I'm not saying there cant be diversity and no, I'm not saying that there shouldn't be different ethnicity's here either. That's plain racist. What I am saying is we as Americans are making it harder and harder and harder for anything to get done. For any argument there is always multiple sides. Our multiple sides are multiplying and it's getting very close to being out of control because nobody will sacrifice a little to save a lot. I'm going to tell you a tale of my childhood that will be an excellent comparison to what America is now. I live in South Carolina. Snow is almost as rare here as good personal hygiene. So during high school, we would have our snow days early on in the year because they would never get used anyway. Well one particular year we did have snow. A lot of snow. So much snow in fact that we missed more than our allowed days of school and we had to make it up. The school left it up to the students to vote on one of two options: Stay an hour after school for two weeks, or come in on two Saturdays. The student body practically screamed, "We aren't going to give up our Saturdays!" so we know what happens next. It came to be that we would have to stay late. It destroyed my schedule because I was the last person off the bus, so I was home super late. Students lost jobs, and the whole traffic flow of the town was screwed because it put school traffic in with the "off work" traffic. Here lies the comparison: America (High School) would rather screw things up in the long run (schedules, traffic, jobs) than give up a few luxuries (Saturdays). By the way all you assholes who went to school with me, a full school day has to include lunch. All we had to do was make it to lunch at 12:30 and they would have let us go! But no! Just like America, you're too stupid and close minded in your protection of luxuries that you don't consider the good of the future. It took this long for our system of government to start to fail, I hope you all are happy. Because you sure aren't doing it any good.
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Stupid Fat Americans. |
Thanks for reading.
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